Showing posts with label eduardo de filippo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eduardo de filippo. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

napoli ....they want the city look like that!!!

Naples is on its last legs! The city, devastated by the inability, greed, crime, corruption, shows his wounds to the sky. Naples is suspended between the "revolt" and "unconditional surrender". You feel walking in the streets, it is perceived in the dark faces of the people, the depth of field full of "rubbish". The proverbial dignity of Naples, the spirit of sacrifice and endurance, enhanced by Eduardo as the Neapolitan character traits of the soul, not enough in front of the degradation of the city and surrounding municipalities. The limits have been exceeded on guard everywhere. The state, outraged and pledges, but the situation remains -Out of Control-.

yes ...the only solution....tierd of them promis

Napoli, "torna" la monnezza. Ma se n'era mai andata?

 potrebbe essere cosi

NO !!!!
invece e' cosi'