Showing posts with label bildberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bildberg. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thierry Meyssan: NATO prepares large operation of disinformation

Thierry Meyssan: NATO prepares large operation of disinformation

 The Member members of NATO and of (P) GCC are preparing a coup and a genocide sectarian in Syria. If you want oppose to these crimes, act quickly:, please put this article in network and report it to your elected.

In a few days, perhaps even Friday, June 15, at noon, the Syrians want to watch the national channels they will be replaced on their television screens created by the CIA. Images made in the studio show massacres attributed to government, public events, ministers and generals who give their resignation, President al-Assad, who escaped, the rebels who gather in the heart of major cities, and a new government is installed in presidential palace.
This directly led by Washington, Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security of the United States, is intended to demoralize the Syrians and to allow a coup. NATO, which confronts the double veto by Russia and China, come to conquer Syria without having to illegally attack. Whatever opinion about current events in Syria, a military coup put an end to any hope of democracy.
Very formally, the Arab League has asked the satellite operator Arabsat and Nilesat to cease retransmission of the Syrian media, public and private (Syria TV, al-Ekbariya, ad-Dunya TV Cham, etc..). There is a precedent, since when the league had already worked on Libyan television censorship, to prevent the Libyan leader communicated with their people. There is no radio network in Syria, for which broadcasters have received only by satellite. But this cut will not leave the screen blacks.
In fact, this decision is just the public tip of the iceberg. According to reports, several international meetings will be held this week, to coordinate the operation of disinformation. The first two, technical, held in Doha (Qatar), the third politician, held in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).
At first meeting have participated the officers of the war psychological "embedded" in some channels satellite, including al-Arabiya, al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Fox, France 24, Future TV, MTV. We know which since 1998 the officers Unity Operations of War Psicologica (PSYOP) of the U.S. Army are been inserted in the redaction of CNN; after, this practice is been extended by NATO to other stations TV strategic. They prepared in advance of the false information, according to a "story" developed by the team of Ben Rhodes at the White House. A cross-validation procedure has been developed, each media will report the lies of others, to make them credible with viewers. The participants also decided not only to seize the TV networks of the CIA to Syria and Lebanon (Barada, Future TV, MTV, Orient News, Shaab Syria, Syria Alghad), but also forty TV channels wahhabito who call on the sectarian massacre cry of "Christians in Beirut, the Alawites in the tomb!"
The second meeting brought together engineers and developers to program the production of images of fiction, in the studies made by mixing one part open and part made with computer graphics. Studies have been made in recent weeks, Saudi Arabia, to play the two Syrian presidential palace and the main squares of Damascus, Aleppo and Homs. There are already studies of this kind in Doha, but they are insufficient.
At the third meeting was attended by General James B. Smith, U.S. ambassador, a representative of the United Kingdom, and Prince Bandar bin Sultan (the President George Bush has designated as the adopted son, to the point that the U.S. press has called him "Bandar Bush"). This is to coordinate the media and "free-Syrian army," of which the mercenaries of Prince Bandar form the bulk of the workforce.
The operation that is in gestation from months, was accelerated by the Board of Safety States National United, after President Putin has communiqué to the Casa Bianca that Russia will oppose with force to any intervention illegal military of NATO in Syria.
This operation consists in two simultaneous streams: one part spread false information and on the other prevent any opportunity to respond.
The fact to obscure satellite TV to conduct a war, is not new. Thus, under pressure from Israel, the United States and European Union have dimmed in succession TV networks Lebanese, Palestinian, Iraqi, Libyan and Iranian. No censorship was conducted towards the satellite channels to other parts of the world.
The dissemination of false news, is not new. However, four important steps have been taken in the art of propaganda during the last decade.
• In 1994, a pop music station, Radio Mille Collines of Freedom (RTLM) has given the signal of the Rwandan genocide, calling for "killing cockroaches".
• In 2001, NATO has used the media to impose an interpretation of the September 11 attacks and justify the attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq. Even then, it was Ben Rhodes was to be appointed by the Bush administration to write the report of the Commission Kean / Hamilton on the attacks.
• In 2002, the CIA has used five channels, Televen, Globovision, Meridian, ValeTV and CMT, to believe that the huge demonstrations had forced the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez to resign, as had been the victim of a military coup.
• In 2011, France 24 served as the de facto Ministry of Information of the National Council of Libya, with whom he was bound by a contract. In the battle of Tripoli, NATO did achieve in the studio and spread from al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya pictures of the Libyan rebels who entered the central square of the capital, while they were still far from the city, so that residents, convinced that the war was lost, all resistance ceased.
Now the media are no longer content to support the war, make it.
This provision violates the fundamental principles of international law, beginning with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights concerning the fact "to receive and spread without regard for borders, information and ideas through any media of expression that is ". Above all, it violates the United Nations General Assembly resolutions, adopted after the Second World War to prevent war. Resolutions 110, 381 and 819 prohibit "the barriers to the free exchange of information and ideas" (in this case, the obscuration of the Syrian networks) and "propaganda that threatens to cause or encourage any threat to peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression ". In law, the propaganda war is a crime against peace, crimes more serious, since it makes possible war crimes and genocide.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Il Club Bilderberg

Il Club Bilderberg

Scopri chi governa veramente l'Italia... nella seconda edizione aggiornata del Club Bilberberg di Daniel Estulin”
Finalmente la seconda edizione aggiornata del libro che racconta la storia della loggia massonica più potente al mondo.
Potrai scoprire gli importanti protagonisti della vita politica,finanziaria e industriale italiana ed europea che ne fanno parte,
da Mario Monti a Mario Draghi, dalla famiglia Agnelli a Romano Prodi e tanti altri…
Siamo davvero sicuri che vogliamo affidare il nostro futuro politico ed economico a loro?

Il Club Bilderberg presenta una delle più potenti e segrete organizzazioni del mondo. Dal 1954, una volta all’anno, questo gruppo ristretto di persone si ritrova per decidere segretamente il futuro politico ed economico dell’umanità.
Nessun giornalista ha mai avuto accesso alle riunioni che fino a poco tempo fa si sono svolte presso l’Hotel Bilderberg, in una piccola cittadina olandese. Nessuna notizia è mai filtrata da quelle stanze, anche se – come dimostrano le pagine di questo libro – è durante questi incontri che vengono prese le decisioni più rilevanti per il futuro di tutti noi.
Risultato di un’indagine serrata e pericolosa durata oltre 15 anni, l’impressionante inchiesta di Daniel Estulin svela per la prima volta quello che non era mai stato detto prima, rendendo noti i giochi di potere che si svolgono a nostra insaputa.
Super protetta dalle forze di polizia,
la classe dirigente globale detta legge su politica, economia e questioni militari.
La dettagliata opera di Estulin dimostra come il Club Bilderberg sia stato coinvolto nei maggiori misteri della storia recente, dal Piano Marshall allo scandalo Watergate e come in questa élite emergano le figure chiave dello scacchiere internazionale, presidenti USA, direttori di agenzie come CIA o FBI, vertici delle maggiori testate giornalistiche. Estulin colpisce questa organizzazione proprio dove fa più male: la priva della segretezza, della discrezione e dell’ombra di cui si è sempre servita e di cui necessita per attuare i suoi piani.
Il Club Bilderberg, tradotto in 50 lingue e diffuso in oltre 70 Paesi, è diventato in poco tempo un bestseller internazionale, di cui è anche prevista la versione cinematografica.

Bilderberg Club

Cari tahu yang benar-benar mengatur Italia ... dalam edisi diperbarui kedua dari Klub Bilberberg Daniel Estulin "

Akhirnya, edisi kedua terbaru dari buku yang menceritakan sejarah yang paling kuat pondok masonik dunia.
Anda akan menemukan pemain kunci di bagian Italia dan Eropa politik, keuangan dan industri itu,

oleh Mario Monti, Mario Draghi, keluarga Agnelli dengan Romano Prodi dan banyak lagi ...

Apakah kita benar-benar yakin kita ingin berkomitmen masa depan kita politik dan ekonomi untuk mereka?

Bilderberg Club memiliki salah satu organisasi paling kuat dan rahasia di dunia. Sejak 1954, setahun sekali, ini sekelompok kecil orang berkumpul diam-diam untuk memutuskan masa depan politik dan ekonomi umat manusia.

Wartawan tidak pernah memiliki akses ke pertemuan yang sampai saat ini diadakan di Hotel Bilderberg di sebuah kota kecil Belanda. Ada berita tidak pernah disaring melalui kamar-kamar, meskipun - sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh halaman-halaman buku ini - itu adalah selama pertemuan-pertemuan yang keputusan dibuat lebih relevan bagi masa depan kita semua.

Survei, hidup ketat dan berbahaya lebih dari 15 tahun, penyelidikan Daniel mengesankan Estulin mengungkapkan untuk pertama kalinya apa yang pernah dikatakan sebelumnya, membuat permainan kekuasaan publik yang terjadi tanpa sepengetahuan kami.

Super dilindungi oleh polisi,

Kelas global yang berkuasa bahwa hukum politik, ekonomi dan urusan militer.

Pekerjaan rinci Estulin menunjukkan bagaimana Club Bilderberg telah terlibat dalam misteri utama dari sejarah, dari Marshall Plan dan skandal Watergate di elit ini muncul sebagai tokoh kunci di arena internasional, presiden AS, pimpinan lembaga seperti CIA atau FBI, simpul dari surat kabar utama. Estulin mempengaruhi organisasi ini benar mana yang sakit paling: itu kehilangan privasi, kerahasiaan, dan bayangan yang selalu dilayani, dan perlu untuk melaksanakan rencananya.

Bilderberg Club, diterjemahkan ke dalam 50 bahasa dan didistribusikan di 70 negara, dengan cepat menjadi buku terlaris internasional, yang dia juga disediakan versi filmnya.